Friday, March 7, 2008


Our history would tell us that in order to achieve a gloriouus era for our society, execution should be implemented. This is being reiterated when Henry VIII of England was executed just for marrying his wife. Recently, the leader of Iraq was executed in front of the public for the crimes he commited against his countrymen. Japan has also a long story of its leaders executing themselves voluntarily for corruption that they have inflicted to their country.

With all the misfortunes that are happening in the Philippines, I am longing for a person who probably would initiate the assasination of our leaders who continouosly plunder our beloved country. I may sound murderous, but it is the only thing where public service in our country can be done by our leaders without endulging themselves to corruption. Another is, street revolution may brought us to nothing but shame to the international community. Such revolution is always done when we are tired of our leaders endulging themselves to corruption. For this, let us try another forum by which we can change our leaders and their attitudes toward governing our nation.

Execution of our leaders may not be morally upright but it is the only way for our dear motherland to survive and ultimately to regain its lost reputation as the Pearl of the Orient. Moreover, our leaders should be ready to give up their lives in serving their constituents and most importantly our nation........THE PHILIPPINES.


Anonymous said...

haha... mawawaran kita nin gobyerno kun arog kaan an sistema. considering na majority kan govt officials are corrupt.