Thursday, January 31, 2008


Every time I watch the news on television these past few days, my senses are caught by this priest named Fr. Suarez. I am fascinated in him as almost all people whom he comes contact with say that they were healed by their infirmities. Well, I remembered the first time I saw him was on a Sunday Mass being aired at a national television where on the last part of his mass he made a crippled man bound on his wheel chair for a long time walk. I may sound fanatic, but I see in him the persona of Jesus Christ Himself as being reiterated on the Scripture in His numerous healing sessions.

Such action of the said priest brought to the attention of the Filipinos as of today he is roaming around the country to heal people. Well, the reason why such form of healing is accepted in our country is perhaps Philippines is a Christian nation and we have great inclination to spiritual heal notwithstanding that it is cheap and entails less burden to anyone as compared to conventional medicine where lots of drugs are involved.

According to what my professor said in our class in Pathophysiology, there are really illnesses that are without any known cause and such ailments bring lots of headaches to our medical professionals. There are also those psychomatic ailments where any illness is not an action of a particular part of the body but of the mind translated to a particular illness. We Filipinos are also fund of bringing our patients to people other than the medical professionals who claim that they can cure any illness. This is the medical environment here in our country where we have different illnesses and also different ways of treating such illnesses.

But why faith healing? Faith healing is an alternative form of medicine that requires no scientific medical approach but only entails our faith to our Creator. Well, this is the form of medical approach that Fr. Suarez is doing at this moment. What is needed in such form of healing is nothing but only our faith and our patients to forego such medical approach considering that there are many people who wish to be healed through such process. The reason perhaps why faith healing is patronized in our society is it entails less cost compared to scientific approach of healing.

Whatever is the form of healing that we choose to lessen our ailments what is important is we are cured and that for me does not questioned any aspects of our lives. This is so as if one makes access to faith healing some would say that he is less fortunate or if one is surrounded by topmost physicians it is a sign that he is well of in terms of his economic life. What is important is that we are cure of our infirmities so we can be contributors in our nation building.